Monday, June 15, 2009

Hair things: Part I

This week I'm addressing some hair related issues...

Ok. What is this object in the picture? I believe it's called a "bobby pin". I do know that it is not a "safety pin". I won't go into great detail of how I learned the difference between the two, but I will just say that it involves a little pain, crying, and repeatedly saying the words, "Daddy's so sorry, sweatie." My wife had made the mistake of assuming I knew the difference between the two pins when she asked me to "please put a bobby pin in the girls' hair." My bad.

Whatever the name, this is one of approximately 468 that are lying around our home. They are in drawers, under furniture, stuck in drains, and pretty much any flat surface has at least one on it. We always have them in our bathtubs, which, if they are left in a wet tub, they leave rust stains. Fantastic.

My theory is if I was to put two in a drawer over night, in the morning
there'd be at least three in there. Some how, they have the capability of reproducing. Sort of creepy.

They are hard to see when lying on the carpet, incidentally making them easy targets for the vacuum cleaner.
I cringe whenever I hear the ricocheting clatter emitted from the sweeper. It sounds like a nail in a blender.

Additionally, I have yet to figure out how to use these.
I’ve tried. However, the children’s heads look like pin cushions when I’m finished. They give me a glare of disapproval and quickly resort to trying to do it themselves. Of course, if their mother's around they avoid asking for my help altogether - which is nice. When they do have to come to me, I have really tried to make them stick in the girls' hair but within 2 minutes of my attempt, they fall back out. The girls refuse to let me use tape to help matters so I basically just decline to try anymore.

These little pieces of metal have turned me into a big proponent of hats.