Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Weekend Warrior

What a great weekend. We got to spend a lot of time with friends and family, finished some yard work, and most importantly, I ate quite a bit of grilled meat. Mmmmm...meat.

I'd have to say that I really enjoyed the weekend. Although on Saturday our middle child (#2) woke up with the stomach flu. She awakened us complaining about her stomach hurting, then shortly after she vomited in the bathroom. That would be the first of 7 times that day. It was horrible. I am sympathetic to stomach flu sufferers. When I hear or see somebody throw up, I instantly feel like I am going to join them. My wife says I am ridiculously wimpy when it comes to that sort of thing. Whatever.

So, much of Saturday was spent helping her cope with her stomach issues. I felt absolutely horrible for her. She was so looking forward to going to a cookout we were invited to later that evening but of course she couldn't attend. Not to mention, she didn't feel well enough to play with her pet Mexican pig I bought off of Ebay last week. So sad.

I opted to stay outside most of the day, while my wife dealt with Velma Van Vomitheimer inside. That was fine with me. I managed to get the yard mowed, although my mower began acting screwy. It started making a weird knocking sound when I was halfway finished. My mechanical skills - which consisted of me turning the mower off(very important), flipping it onto it's side, and then kicking it a few times, failed to fix or diagnose the problem. The solution? I turned my headphones up louder. The noise was not nearly as noticeable. Fantastic.

After the mowing, I tackled cleaning out the gutters. Our gutter guards work - sort of. They do prevent "whirly birds" off the trees from clogging up the gutters. As shown in this picture. However, they do present another problem. What are the chances that a small object like this could fall from a 30' tall tree and find it's way perfectly into one of these small holes?

Evidently the probability is very high...sigh.

Although a tedious task, I still would rather pull an estimated 13,472 whirly birds from a gutter than have to hold a bucket for a vomiting 6 year-old. My stomach hurts just thinking about it.

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